Default guideline values (DGVs) can provide you with an important starting point for managing water quality but they cannot account for the large spatial or temporal variation in natural water quality. This includes variation in environmental variables that influence the bioavailability and toxicity of contaminants.
Toxicant DGVs are based on data from a specific set of solution parameters, such as pH, hardness, dissolved organic carbon, salinity and temperature. These characteristics vary widely throughout Australian and New Zealand waters.
In addition, DGVs may not protect locally important species because published global data are usually only available for a very limited number of (usually standard) toxicity testing species. Very few of them are Australian or New Zealand species.
This is why you should, wherever possible, tailor DGVs and the types of water chemistry data collected to account for local conditions. The ultimate tailoring of a DGV to local conditions is the derivation of a site-specific guideline value. In addition to the guidance provided in the Water Quality Guidelines, another relevant source of guidance for deriving site-specific guideline values can be found in van Dam et al. (2019), while Huynh & Hobbs (2019) provide specific guidance tailored for the coal resource industry, but which will also have broader applicability.
In some cases, DGVs can be appropriately modified to account for some important local factors. For example:
In addition, or alternatively, direct toxicity assessment (DTA) can be a useful tool to account for local conditions (sections and 8.3.6 of ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000), and has several applications. We provide some updated guidance on the benefits and uses of DTA.
The process of accounting for local conditions is usually completed in the Water Quality Management Framework at:
Note that your local jurisdiction may have its own guidance for applying and refining guideline values, and you should always consult with it on appropriate methods.
For most indicators and issues, you would only refine DGVs after continuous and extensive monitoring showed that test-site data exceedances posed no risk to the ecosystem. This would require hierarchical measurements of the stressor line of evidence, in this case water chemistry, together with other lines of evidence that also demonstrate no ecosystem detriment.
You could also refine guideline values if longer-term monitoring showed that test-site data were consistently below the DGVs.
You need to interpret water quality monitoring data correctly to enable effective comparison with guideline values.
To do this, you should apply a decision scheme that provides step-by-step guidance on how to consider and (if necessary) treat water chemistry data obtained for site-specific environmental conditions. Such a scheme would include consideration of:
It is not mandatory to use hierarchical chemical measurements because, in most instances, the chemistry line of evidence will be assessed in parallel with other lines of evidence.
If you want to make meaningful and appropriate comparisons with DGVs or site-specific guideline values, then hierarchical chemical measurements are important. They can greatly assist with interpretation of the chemistry line of evidence where initial measurements (i.e. steps early in the hierarchy) are near or above the guideline value.
The simple adjustments and corrections that we describe here make this a cost-effective and (in practice) rapid exercise when data on key water quality parameters are available.
When evaluating measured chemistry against DGVs for metals, where possible it will be important to account for the influences of important local water quality variables, such as water hardness, pH, salinity and the associated mix of dissolved salts, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on metal bioavailability.
DGVs are typically derived for either low hardness, near neutral pH fresh waters with negligible DOC or pristine marine waters of typical oceanic salinity. Currently, there are no DGVs for estuarine waters or inland saline waters.
We describe how guideline values can potentially be refined based on a number of other considerations.
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Summary of recommended actions:
- Compare the toxicities of the commercial formulation and the active ingredient (AI) to account for any other chemicals that may modify the toxicity of the AI. If their toxicities differ by greater than a factor of 3, correct the guideline value by the difference.
- Make a statement on whether the guideline value is likely to provide sufficient or insufficient protection for the environment if you do not have quantitative data on the relative toxicities of the AI and the commercial formulation.
Many chemicals, such as pesticides, are released into the environment as part of a commercial formulation.
Guideline values for such chemicals should be based on toxicity tests where the test organism was exposed to a reasonably pure form of the active ingredient (AI) — typically more than 70% — such as a technical grade form of the chemical.
In practice, you should compare the toxicities of the commercial formulation and the AI because other chemicals present may modify the toxicity of the AI.
When refining a guideline value based on the AI for local conditions, it will be important to take into account the toxicity of the commercial formulation to protect the environment from it. Any formulation toxicity data must have gone through a screening and quality assurance process before it can be used in this comparison.
If the toxicities of the commercial formulation and the AI differ by greater than a factor of 3, then it would be appropriate to correct the guideline value by the difference. The resulting formulation-corrected guideline value might be larger or smaller than the guideline value of the AI.
If you only have qualitative information on the relative toxicity of the AI and the commercial formulation, then you should make a statement on whether the guideline value is likely to provide sufficient or insufficient protection.
Express guideline values for AIs as a concentration of the AI (e.g. x µg AI/L).
Summary of recommended actions:
If a toxicant has the potential to be bioaccumulative, the next most protective DGV than the one that would normally be applied based on the agreed ecosystem condition and associated level of protection should be applied (e.g. the 99% species protection DGV for slightly to moderately disturbed ecosystems instead of the 95% species protection DGV), unless:
- the DGV is High or Very high reliability AND has been derived based on a significant proportion of (a) long-term mesocosm/field effects data, or (b) multigenerational laboratory toxicity data for a range of taxa (e.g. > 30% of the dataset and for > 3 taxa groups); or
- a rigorous weight-of-evidence process has demonstrated that aquatic and terrestrial species are not experiencing harmful direct and indirect effects from the toxicant due to bioaccumulation, and the community values are being protected; or
- a lower protection level interim target is agreed upon by stakeholders for a highly disturbed site where the higher protective level could not be attained in a reasonable timeframe.
In these three cases, the DGV relevant to the agreed ecosystem condition and associated level of protection can be used, subject to consultation with stakeholders, particularly regulators and the community.
As with all other toxicants, where the concentration of a potentially bioaccumulative toxicant is below the appropriate guideline value, then the over-riding objective should be to continue to improve, or at least maintain, water quality (i.e. not to allow increases in concentration up to the guideline value).
What is bioaccumulation?
According to Gobas et al. (2009), bioaccumulation is a process in which the concentration of a chemical in an organism achieves a level that exceeds that in the respiratory medium (e.g., water for a fish or air for a mammal), the diet, or both.
Bioaccumulation occurs by two main pathways: bioconcentration and biomagnification. Bioconcentration involves the absorption of a chemical substance exclusively from the ambient environment, i.e. through respiratory and dermal surfaces only (Arnot and Gobas 2006). Biomagnification relates exclusively to dietary intake of chemicals. It is defined as the process whereby pollutants are transferred from food to an organism resulting in higher concentrations in the organism compared with the source (Mann et al. 2011). Biomagnifying toxicants may also exhibit trophic magnification. Trophic magnification occurs when the concentration of the toxicant in organisms increases as it passes up two or more trophic levels in a food chain (Gobas et al. 2009).
Why do bioaccumulative toxicants require additional consideration?
Bioaccumulative–relative to non-bioaccumulative–toxicants may pose an increased risk of toxic effects to populations, due to an additional body burden and/or duration of exposure resulting from internal concentration of the toxicant. Bioaccumulative toxicants also present a risk of intergenerational effects, by maternal transfer of accumulated toxicants to offspring (Niimi 1983, Wanget al. 2015). Trophic magnification of toxicants threatens entire food webs, including higher trophic levels (i.e. top predators), within which tissue toxicant concentrations can be at their highest (Kelly et al. 2009). Some toxicants have the potential to biomagnify to concentrations that risk harmful effects across trophic levels (e.g. DDT, perfluoroalkylacids (PFAAs), dioxins, methyl-mercury). Trophic magnification threatens not only aquatic taxa, but also associated terrestrial taxa, e.g. birds that feed upon fish.
The DGVs are largely derived from single-species toxicity data that only account for direct effects of toxicants observed at the end of relatively short exposure durations. For bioaccumulative toxicants, such data are unlikely to capture toxicity caused as a result of longer-term bioaccumulation. The effects of bioaccumulative toxicants are best assessed using chronic field, mesocosm or microcosm data, or chronic laboratory toxicity data from tests carried out over multiple generations. Long-term chronic tests are best able to capture toxic effects of toxicants that bioaccumulate in tissues and manifest over longer timescales; multigenerational tests are best able to capture effects involving reproductive toxicity or maternal transfer of toxicants; and microcosm/mesocosm tests are best for detecting effects resulting from trophic magnification.
Which toxicants are bioaccumulative?
Bioaccumulation is typically measured in the field (Arnot and Gobas 2006). Toxicants considered ‘bioaccumulative’ for water respiring organisms (e.g. fish and macroinvertebrates) are those with log BAF (bioaccumulation factors) values ≥ 4. [Biomagnifying toxicants are those with a biomagnification factor (BMF) > 1 and trophically magnifying toxicants are those with a TMF (trophic magnification factor) > 1 (Gobaset al. 2009).]
BAFs are derived from field measurements of the ratio of the steady state chemical concentrations in an aquatic water-respiring organism and the water determined from sampled organisms exposed to a chemical in the water and in their diet (Gobaset al. 2009). They are considered to be reliable indicators of bioaccumulation. However, literature BAF values are often unavailable for toxicants (Arnot and Gobas 2006). Such toxicants may be deemed ‘potentially bioaccumulative’ based on indirect measures, e.g. (Gobaset al. 2009) where their:
- log Kow (octanol–water partition coefficient) ≥ 4, or
- log BCF (bioconcentration factor) ≥ 4.
However, the risks of applying these inferential approaches should be noted, especially for emerging contaminants such as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Inferring a toxicant’s potential to bioaccumulate from its log Kow, for example, assumes the toxicant concentrates in lipid tissue. This is true of many historic persistent organic pollutants, but does not apply to all toxicants. PFAS have a much higher affinity for proteins, hence their bioaccumulation potential cannot be reliably inferred from their log Kow values (Ng and Hungerbühler 2014). Similarly, log BCF values, by ignoring dietary intake, significantly underestimate the considerable bioaccumulation potential of many biomagnifying chemicals, e.g. perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) (Gobaset al. 2009).
Field measurements of bioaccumulation, e.g. BAFs, BMFs and TMFs, should therefore be considered the most reliable indicators of a toxicant’s bioaccumulation potential (above inferences based upon indirect measures such as log Kow and log BCF).
What is the GV approach for bioaccumulative toxicants?
If a toxicant has the potential to bioaccumulate, and the dataset used to derive its DGV did not include a significant proportion of (a) long-term mesocosm/field effects data, or (b) multigenerational tests where both bioaccumulation and ecologically relevant effects were measured (e.g. > 30% of the dataset and for > 3 taxa groups), we recommend using the 99% species protection DGV for slightly to moderately disturbed ecosystems instead of the 95% species protection DGV. Similarly, the 95% species protection DGV could be used for highly disturbed ecosystems instead of the 90% species protection DGV. A lower level of protection than this for highly disturbed sites is not recommended, due to the potential risks associated with bioaccumulative toxicants. However, a lower level of protection (e.g. 90% species protection DGV) could potentially be adopted as an interim target for a specified indicator only if it was evident and agreed by stakeholders, including regulators, that the 95% species protection DGV could not be attained in an acceptable timeframe (also see guidance on Level of protection for how to apply guideline values to highly disturbed ecosystems).
The recommended approach has no mechanistic basis with regards to bioaccumulation, and is recommended solely as a precautionary measure to minimise the risks from bioaccumulative substances. A more mechanistically-based approach may involve, for example, the future development of tissue residue guidelines (ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000, pp. 8.3–17 to 20).
If, through a rigorous weight of evidence process, it can be shown that aquatic and terrestrial species are not experiencing harmful direct and indirect effects from the toxicant due to bioaccumulation at concentrations of the DGV that would normally have been applied based on the agreed ecosystem condition (e.g. the 95% species protection DGV for slightly to moderately disturbed ecosystems), and the community values are being protected, then this should be sufficient to support a corresponding change back to that DGV. Such decisions should always be made in consultation with regulators and the community and in accordance with the guidance on levels of protection for aquatic ecosystems.
Finally, the over-riding principle of continual improvement dictates that, where the concentration of a contaminant is below the appropriate guideline value, then the over-riding objective should be to continue to improve, or at least maintain, water quality (i.e. not to allow increases in concentration up to the guideline value).
For additional context and guidance on how to deal with bioaccumulation, refer to:
- Warne et al. (2018) toxicant guideline value derivation method
- ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) Section background to incorporating bioaccumulation into guidelines values.
Science has progressed since ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000), and some of the guidance may be outdated. Further guidance on guideline values that incorporate the impacts of bioaccumulative substances may need to be developed in the future.
Summary of recommended actions:
If site-specific transient exposures are known to occur, and the DVGs are considered overly-protective, follow guidance provided in Batley et al. (2018) and Warne et al. (2018) to derive your own short-term guideline values.
Transient or short-term exposures of aquatic biota to toxicants can occur for various reasons, such as:
- highly volatile or hydrophobic toxicants that are rapidly lost from the water column
- toxicants with very short half-lives
- toxicants present in episodic or intermittent discharges (e.g. mine water discharges, stormwater discharges, pesticides in waterways draining agricultural land).
The current DGVs may not be relevant to such exposures but would at least be likely to be over-protective.
Short-term exposure DGVs have not as yet been derived for Australia and New Zealand. Such DGVs are focused at ensuring that short-term acutely toxic events do not occur and, as such, are often derived from acute EC/LC50 data.
Concentrations at which acute toxicity is likely to occur may not necessarily bear resemblance to the concentrations that should protect against transient exposure. This is because some toxicants are known to cause delayed effects after transient exposures have ceased.
Where site-specific transient exposures are known to occur, and the DGVs are considered to be inappropriate, Batley et al. (2018) and Warne et al. (2018) provided guidance on how to derive short-term guideline values.
Importantly, the exposure regime used to derive the toxicity data should be as similar as possible to the exposure regime being considered. This includes how frequently the pulses occur, the likely period needed for recovery and the cumulative effect of repeated pulses. If pulses are frequent with minimal recovery period it may be more appropriate to use the DGVs.
A useful example of the development of transient exposure guideline values is provided in the case study for the assessment of mine water discharges from Ranger uranium mine.
Additional details of research completed to develop these guideline values can be found in Hogan et al. (2013), Sinclair et al. (2014) and Prouse et al. (2015).
Summary of recommended actions:
- Where water quality characteristics or species composition at a site vary markedly from those used to derive the DGV, or there are locally important species at a site, it may be warranted to derive site-specific guideline values using toxicity data for local species.
- When developing site-specific guideline values for toxicants based on toxicity data from local species in local waters, take care when making decisions about exclusion or inclusion of data used in the derivation method.
Whilst site-specific guideline values should be developed for specific issues and locations, it is not always going to be practicable or necessary.
Local ecosystems or species are sometimes deemed so ecologically, economically or culturally important that we need assurance the guideline values will protect them enough.
A good example of this is the need to ensure that the highly valued aquatic ecosystems of Kakadu National Park are protected from the impacts of uranium mining. Because of these high ecological and cultural value ecosystems, much effort has been invested in deriving site-specific guideline values for toxicants of concern based on toxicity data from local species in local waters.
An example is provided in the case study for the assessment of mine water discharges from the Ranger uranium mine. Additional details can be found in van Dam et al. (2010), Hogan et al. (2013), Harford et al. (2015) and van Dam et al. (2017).
When incorporating local species toxicity data, take care when excluding or including the original data used in the DGV derivation (if it exists).
This decision often becomes a trade-off between sample size (number of values used to derive the DGV) and relevance of the data to the ecosystem and species of interest. Considerations include whether the species and type of water quality used to assess toxicity of the toxicant in question are sufficiently representative of those for the ecosystem of interest. The requirements for data quality and quantity, including taxonomic representation, always need to be met. Seek expert guidance to help with making decisions about inclusion or exclusion of data.
Refer to relevant background information provided in ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) Section
Summary of recommended actions
When mixtures of chemicals are present in a water body, in the first instance you should estimate the combined toxicity of all the chemicals using the concentration addition method. More environmentally realistic methods of estimating the combined can also be used in higher tier analyses.
Even though the DGVs are based on data from toxicity tests for single toxicants, it is well known that toxicants rarely occur in isolation. In most circumstances, a particular toxicant will be present in combination with numerous other toxicants, and their combined presence may alter their toxicity. There are numerous terms for the various joint toxicities of mixtures, but at their simplest, mixtures of toxicants (Rand 1995) can result in:
- additive toxicity (sum of the toxicity of the individual components)
- greater than additive toxicity (also known as ‘synergism’), or
- less than additive toxicity (also known as ‘antagonism’).
The brief guidance provided here is generally reflective of that provided in ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) Section 8.3.518.
A thorough review of the science of mixture toxicity and associated methods for its assessment is beyond the scope of the Water Quality Guidelines but is likely to be necessary in the future if updated guidance on dealing with multiple stressors is to be provided.
A number of reviews on mixture toxicity and associated methods of assessment since the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines (e.g. de Zwart & Posthuma 2005, Cedergreen 2014, Liu et al. 2017) suggest that its guidance is still applicable.
Cedergreen (2014) concluded that true synergistic interactions between chemicals are rare, and that addressing the cumulative rather than synergistic effect of co-occurring toxicants was the most important step in assessing the effects of toxicant mixtures.
Similarly, Liu et al. (2017) found that statistically significant deviations from additivity are not necessarily biologically relevant for metal mixtures and, as such, recommended to first use a relatively simple method for effect prediction of un-investigated metal mixtures.
Two types of models are most often used to predict mixture toxicity:
- concentration addition model of joint action — applied to mixtures with toxicants that have the same mode of action
- response addition model of independent action — applied to mixtures with toxicants that have different modes of action.
If we assume toxicity conforms to the concentration addition model (it is additive), then significant combined effects could be expected if all toxicants in a mixture are present at close to their DGVs.
You can determine whether or not a mixture exceeds a collective water quality guideline value using the formula (modified from Vighi & Calamari 1996):
TTM = Σ(Ci / WQGi)
where TTM is the total toxicity of the mixture, Ci is the concentration of the ‘i’th toxicant in the mixture and WQGi is the guideline for that toxicant.
If TTM exceeds 1, the mixture has exceeded the collective water quality guideline value.
The ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines stated that this method should only be applied to mixtures of up to 4 components. It is now recommended that this method be applied irrespective of the number of components in the mixture.
A number of studies have shown that the concentration addition model consistently predicts higher toxicity (and hence is more environmentally protective) than the response addition model (e.g. Faust et al. 1994, Backhaus et al. 2000, Chevre et al. 2006). This has led to the accepted practice of using the concentration addition model as a first step in estimating the toxicity of mixtures.
A more accurate estimate can be provided using a 2-step method (e.g. Altenburger et al. 2004, De Zwart and Posthuma 2005), which applies the concentration addition model to chemicals with the same mode of action, but then uses the response addition model to estimate the toxicity of groups of chemicals with different modes of action.
The best experimental method to account for the toxicity of mixtures is DTA of the mixture, which may be an effluent or ambient water. Refer to details in our guidance on DTA.
Using multiple lines of evidence
So far our discussion concerns the assessment of the chemistry line of evidence for evaluating compliance with guideline values. But it is important that compliance with guideline values is considered as one of a number of lines of evidence that may be used when assessing water quality (as part of a weight-of-evidence process). These lines of evidence could include monitoring or assessment of other pressures, stressors (e.g. habitat, flow) and ecosystem receptors.
Ultimately, it is biological measurement of relevant ecosystem receptors that will provide confirmation that water quality at a site is not being affected.
If the guideline value is exceeded or there is low confidence in desktop assessments (e.g. difficulty in modelling metal speciation), then you should opt for DTA or biodiversity assessment as an additional line of evidence. Additional evidence can be obtained from measurements of bioaccumulation.
The toxicity line of evidence could specifically deal with cases where chemical mixtures modify toxicity from that based on the additivity of individual toxicant effects. This will also be of use where the protection of locally important species is a concern.
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