Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality

The Water Quality Guidelines provide authoritative guidance on the management of water quality for natural and semi-natural water resources in Australia and New Zealand.​

The 2018 revision of the Water Quality Guidelines is presented as an online platform, to improve usability and facilitate updates as new information becomes available.

Access the Water Quality Guidelines.

Significant improvements since the ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) guidelines include:

  • an updated and expanded Water Quality Management Framework
  • step-by-step guidance on typical applications of the Water Quality Management Framework
  • strong emphasis on building conceptual models of water systems to demonstrate current understanding
  • introduction of a weight-of-evidence process
  • new and revised toxicant default guideline values
  • revised method for deriving toxicant default guideline values
  • new physical and chemical stressor guidance and default guidelines values for more regions
  • improved information and guidance for cultural and spiritual values.