Pathway for toxicant default guideline value publication

The Water Quality Guidelines website includes default guideline values (DGVs). Publication of DGVs requires a publication approval process (see Figure 1). It includes initial approval to develop a DGV, development of the DGV and final approval.

All toxicant DGVs published in the Water Quality Guidelines from 2018 onwards are subject to a period of public comment. This applies to those funded through the Water Quality Guidelines or contributed by third parties.

When draft DGVs have successfully passed through the public comment phase, they will be final, and published on the website as a DGV (refer to Figure 1).

Figure 1 Default guideline value publication approval process

The default guideline value publication approval process flow chart

DGVs = Default guideline values, WQG = Water Quality Guidelines, WQPSC = Water Quality Policy Subcommittee, Project Coordination Group = PCG, National Water Committee = NWC

Explanation of figure 1

The default guideline value publication approval process:

  1. You need the independent technical peer review process complete and endorsed by independent technical manager.
  2. The department provides final draft default guideline value (DGV) and associated reports to Project Coordination Group (PCG). Then PCG recommends to Water Quality Policy Sub-Committee (WQPSC).
  3. WQPSC approves the DGV for publication.
  4. Publication of the draft DGV on Water Quality Guidelines website.
  5. Is new technical/scientific information required? It should be provided within three months of publication.
    • If yes, PCG (including technical manager and relevant experts) will determine if revision of DGV is required. Once complete, see step 6.
    • If no, the draft DGV will be sent to National Water Committee (NWC) for noting. Once complete, see step 7.
  6. Determining a revision of the DGV:
    • If yes, then DGV revised and amended.
    • If no, then the draft DGV will be sent to NWC for noting.
  7. When NWC informed then DGV accepted as final, and website updated accordingly.

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